Everyone knows financial planning without disability income protection does not lead to a secure future, so how can brokers get the attention of their clients who are unaware of the need for disability income protection?
Follow the example of the life insurance industry, it focuses on the living benefits and the benefits of those still living. The title “life insurance” takes away from the negativity of death or burial insurance.
Disability insurance provides clients with the ability to continue their standard of living. So instead of talking about disability insurance with your clients, talk about investing in their ability to earn an income. What would the client do if they lost their ability to earn an income? They need to protect this ability.
Focus on the freedoms they still maintain if they have income protection. Rather than referring to disability insurance, talk to clients about the ability to not be defined or confined by a disabling illness or injury. The ability to maintain their lifestyle–own their home, pay family expenses–what we would call living. A disabling illness or sickness can be a living death, and income protection is the ability to continue living life.
Disability insurance, or “Ability Insurance” protects the future earning of human life value. “Ability Insurance” provides the ability not to be defined by a disability. Sell the positives, and clients will listen. “Ability Insurance” is too important to overlook. Losing the ability to earn an income is financially devastating, regardless if its caused by death or a disabling injury or sickness. Don’t neglect talking to your clients about protecting their ability to earn an income.