Strong presentation skills are an important skill for an insurance sales agent. It takes time before anyone can pull off that perfect pitch. Before approaching a prospect with your portfolio of personal disability insurance products, make sure you are familiar with these universal sales principles:
Setting the Scene
The setting is important to help the client understand the need for disability insurance. This means that you need to walk them through scenarios that help your prospective client understand the need and the benefits of purchasing disability insurance coverage.
Keeping Things Simple
Effectively communicate your product in the simplest way possible. Sure, eventually you’ll have to get to the gritty details of disability insurance policy, however, when you first open the disability income discussion with your clients, keep things as simple as possible, so they gain clear understanding of the purpose and the need for disability insurance. Don’t pack your presentation with insurance jargon that will go right over the potential client’s head. Keep the conversation personable and straight to the point.
Establish a Reason to Buy
Throughout your pitch, firmly establish the reasons your client needs the product you are offering. Why should anyone need disability insurance? Ask him or her how long he thinks he or she can live without a paycheck before he or she would fall into deep in debt, and perhaps later need to depend on others. Accidents and unexpected illnesses happen in a moment’s notice; it makes good sense to prepare for them.
Source Brokerage, Inc. can help you design individual disability insurance plans to meet the specific needs of your clients; however, it’s your job to sell the need for disability insurance to your professional clients. Disability insurance is a necessity that many still take for granted until it’s too late. Insurance brokers with strong presentation skills can help their clients realize the wisdom of having disability income protection, and the folly of not.
(Source: 10 Principles for the Best Sales Pitch Ever,